Page 231 - Pure Life 33
P. 231
230 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 219-239, Winter. 2023
of UNESCO 2030 is one of experiences in another.
the Proves: (Smith, 1997)
Educational system should Becoming part of our
teach the lifestyle and language of any of the
the philosophy of life to Military metaphors could
children on the basis of be unintentionally, and has
western principles. This become normal now
is the gist of the 2030 because of its frequency;
Education Agenda. but one think that have
(Imam Khamenie, 2019) become clear now that this
militarization in textbook
Hence, the existence of
enemy and his plot for us in has lead us to a domain
which is not only undesired
the field of education is but also harmful for us and
something that can’t be would not allow us to attain
denied. our goals. The story will
Military metaphors have not end here; this will have
become part of our negative effects on students
language over hundreds of learning, mind and
years. This has been a personality.
normal process, since
people tend naturally to 2. Political Agenda
draw upon experiences in and Textbooks
one area of life in order to A textbook is one of the
give fresh insight and powerful tools in education
understanding to system and is being used
for the political agenda