Page 234 - Pure Life 33
P. 234

De-militarization of Language… K.R. Jamani. & A.A. Shameli (233

               Even  a  single  word  has             personality        is      also
               power  to  influence  our              connected  by  our  thoughts

               behavior.  Violent  words              which  is  based  on  the
               send      alarm      messages          selection  of  words  and
               through the brain, and they            sentences.  Beside  these

               partially  shut  down  the             psychological           effects,
               logic and reasoning centers            enemy’s plot in educational
               located in the frontal lobes.          domain  can  also  not  be

                  The       physical       and        denied      after    UNESCO
               emotional  state  of  human            2030 agenda.
               being  is  also  derived  by              Therefore,  there  is  an

               positive  or  negative  words          extreme      need     to    de-
               being  spoken  or  listened.           militarize      our     Arabic
               Negative  words,  whether              grammar textbooks. A shift

               written        or      spoken,         from  traditional  phrases  to
               influence      listeners    and        strategic  one,  would  help
               readers  both  that  leads  to         us  to  stop  further  personal
               anxiety and irritability. This         and  collective  damages.

               uneasiness        significantly        These strategic phrases will
               reduces human cooperation              help our generation to show
               and     collaboration.      The        their presence new era that

               words  and  sentences  we              will  impart  the  concept  of
               use  effects  the  process  of         peace, harmony and pure life.
               brain  development          that          In       general,         the

               shapes our personality.                recommendations             and
                  Human Aura which is an              suggestions of the research
               invisible  part  of  human             are as follows:
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