Page 232 - Pure Life 33
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De-militarization of Language… K.R. Jamani. & A.A. Shameli (231

               since  long.  For  colonial            personality. In recent years,
               administrators,  the  textbook         the  political  parties  spread

               became  an  instrument  of             their    political     agendas
               norm             maintenance.          through text books.
               (Kumar, 2005: 87)                         Shivakumar- The President

                  The  myth  of  the  Aryan           of     Karnataka       Pradesh
               race and its superiority had           Congress  Committee,  India-
               been  well established among           said  that  the  Bharatiya

               educated  Indians  since  the          Janata Party was spreading
               mid-nineteenth         century.        the poison of communalism
               Colonial  education  and               among  the  youth.  One  of

               textbooks  were  among  the            the  technique  spreading
               agencies disseminating this            political  agenda  of  this
               myth. (Ibid: 105)                      party  is  changing  textbook

                  Now  in  today’s  world,            in  the  name  of  revision.
               where a book is publish in             (Shivakumar, 2022)
               one corner of the world and               By      promoting       their
               is being taught in the other           agenda, they try to achieve

               corner,  requires  a  strong           their  political  goals.  The
               process  of  adaptation  of  a         chief  of  Indian  Council  of
               textbook,  adaptation  of  a           Social  Science  Research

               book or using the historical           (ICSSR)       believes      that
               examples       without      any        textbook  published  by  the
               based  or  judgment  could             government are responsible

               have adverse psychological             for  “Anarchic  trends”  in
               and  intellectual  effects  on         Society. (Surendran, 2017)
               brain        and        human
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