Page 172 - Pure Life 34
P. 172
Content analysis of International Multi … A. Karimi & M.A. Pargho (171
media such as articles, books, - Analysis of the content of
or handbooks. Some definitions the articles shows what is
include reference to visual the problem?
communication messages.
(Cozzens, 1985) Theoretical Foundations and
The purpose of this Research Background
research is to answer these Content analysis is a research
questions: tool used to determine the
- What is the status of the presence of specific words,
number of authors, gender, themes, or concepts in some
group or individual given qualitative data. Using
presentation and scientific rank? content analysis, researchers
can quantify and analyze the
- What are the research presence, meanings, and
topics and research methods? relationships of such words,
themes, or specific concepts.
- Which university had the Here are some of the
most participation?
researches that has been done
- Which countries had the in the field of education or
most participation? related fields.
IMJPL Promotes the level
- Which scientific group of scientific research related
had the most participation?
to the Humanities and the
- Which keywords and Meaning of Life under the
topics are getting the most philosophy of religion. it seeks
attention? to facilitate and develop the
relationship among researchers
who are studying on
humanities and divine religions.