Page 176 - Pure Life 34
P. 176
Content analysis of International Multi … A. Karimi & M.A. Pargho (175
Content or form validation Table 1. Cronbach's Alpha
was used for the validity of the Values For Research Variables
analysis and categorization of Cronbach's
the variables extracted from Alpha Variable/Question
the articles.
According to scientific 0.990 1
articles have done before; like 0.870 2
(Korstjens and Moser, 2017; 0.910 3
Falkingham and Reeves, 1998)
the unit of analysis of this 0.989 4
research was the relevant 0.980 5
topics of the 11-question
checklists (standard cheklists 0.990 6
for context analysing) of this 0.991 7
research in the quarterly
articles, and the validity of 0.989 8
them were approved by seven 0.988 9
academic professors in 0.910 10
university of Tabriz.
Also validiyt of questions 0.990 11
were approved by Cronbach's 0.963 All
Alpha (Table 1).