Page 173 - Pure Life 34
P. 173
172 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(34), Spring. 2023
All required international Citation Index, and they
standards have been ranked the journals by
considered to prevent any frequency of citations per
discrimination and create an article published in each
open scientific space to fulfill journal in period 2. were
the slogan of the Al-Mustafa organized annually. The average
International University. citation rate per published
This journal publishes 6 article was 9.9.
articles in each issue, of
which 3 papers are dedicated The article by Shieh et al
to Iranian authors and 3 (2008) on the topic of content
papers to international and analysis of studies in e-
learning has been published in
non-Iranian authors.
Regarding the literature of five Social Science Citation
the conducted research, it is Index journals from 2001 to
possible to refer to previous 2005. Among the 1027 articles
research, still due to the published in these journals
novelty of the current study, from 2001 to 2005, 444
only a few of them are articles are related to the
mentioned. topic. Cognition identified in
White and White (1977) e-learning.
analyzed the citations of 57 These articles were
psychology journals. They analyzed based on published
counted the total number of years, journals, research topics,
sources to articles published and the number of citations.
in each journal in 1972 and In addition, 16 highly cited
1973 from a sample of pages articles on different topics
(10%) in the Social Science were selected for further
analysis according to research