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            174  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(34), Spring. 2023

               The      findings     of     the       kind  of  article  according  to
            research  by  Alipour  Katigeri           the     pace     of    publishing
            et  al  (2017)  to  analyze  the          scientific articles is necessary
            content  and  citations  of  the          for  guiding  papers;  fifthly,
            articles  published  in  the              books  and  articles  are  the

            Educational           Psychology          most cited sources.
            Quarterly        of      Allameh             Therefore,  the  purpose  of
            Tabatabai University, showed              this research is to analyze the

            that in terms of the scientific           content  of  the  articles  in
            rank        and       educational         IMJPL  and  to  answer  the
            qualification  of  the  authors,          question         about         the

            assistant professors are in the           characteristics and specifications
            first place with 9.25, in terms           of the articles and the authors
            of the affiliation of the authors         of the articles.

            Regarding universities, Allameh
            Tabatabai  University  ranks              Research Methodology
            first  with  6.36%.  The  most            In  the  present  research,  the
            used research method was the              content  analysis  method  is

            semi-experimental method, with            used as a descriptive method.
            8.31 and a correlation of 6.29.              The  statistical  population
               Research background analyzing          of  this  research  is  the  ten

            indicated that; at first, there is        published  issues  of  IMJPL
            no  exact  previous  article              since     the     journal     was
            about  this  object;  secondly,           promoted  to  the  rank  and  its

            shows the majority of writers             articles  became  English  i.e.
            are     men;       thirdly,     the       number 23 to number 32, and
            participation of two writers is           the  statistical  sample  of  this

            so  common;  fourthly,  this              research  included  60  articles
                                                      published in these issues.
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