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Content analysis of International Multi … A. Karimi & M.A. Pargho (173

            settings, participants, types of          about  research  trends  and
            research  design,  and  research          patterns  of  cognition  in  e-

            methods.                                  learning (Shih et al, 2008).
               From  the  analysis  of  444
            papers,  it  was  found  that                The  citation  analysis  of

            educational approaches, learning          Mohammadi  et  al  (2016)  in
            environment and metacognition             the  articles  published  in  two
            were  the  three  most  popular           journals  of  Islamic  education

            research     topics,  but  the            showed  that  including  151
            analysis  of  the  number  of             authored  articles,  the  number
            citations  showed  that  studies          of citations was 4023, with an

            related       to      educational         average of 26.64 citations per
                                                      article. The highest number of
            approaches, information processing
            and motivation were possible,             citations to sources are books

            and have a greater impact on              with  72.6%,  Persian  sources
            subsequent research.                      with  60.3%  in  the  first  place
               Although       the    use     of       of  authorities,  and  “Holy
            questionnaires may still be the           Quran”,  “Nahj  al-Balagha”,

            main method of research data              and  “Al-Mizan  fi  Tafsir  al-
            collection      in      e-learning        Quran”  as  the  most  cited
            cognitive  studies,  a  clear             books,  Allameh  Tabatabai,

            trend was observed that more              Martyr        Motahari         and
            and  more  studies  are  using            Khosrow Bagheri is the most
            learner  log  files  or  online           cited  author  and  Islamic

            messages  as  data  sources  for          Education,        Houze        and
            analysis.  The  results  of  the          University,  and  Maaraft  are
            analysis provided insights for            the most cited publications.

            educators  and  researchers
   169   170   171   172   173   174   175   176   177   178   179