Page 44 - Pure Life 34
P. 44

Allamah Misbah’s Puzzle … M. Legenhausen (43

               This  would  make  sense  if           immaterial       intellect.   The
            we consider that according to             individual  human  souls  are

            Sadra,  reality  can  be  divided         drawn  from  Adam  at  some
            into  three  levels:  sensible,           other  level  of  existence  to
            imaginal,  and  intellectual.             admit the lordship of God in a

            The  sensible  and  imaginal              figurative sense.
            realms each has its own forms                The  admission  of  God’s
            of motion and, hence, its own             lordship  is  implicit  in  the

            time,  since  time  is  the               immaterial form of the human
            measure of motion.                        soul, which includes the souls
               With  regard  to  sensible             of all humans.

            existence,  the  body  comes                 At the same time, I am not
            about  prior  to  the  soul.  With        certain whether either or both
            regard      to     its    spiritual       of  these  interpretations  was

            existence,  however,  the  soul           intended  by  Sadra,  although
            may  be  said  to  be  with  God,         there  are  various  indications
            that  is,  not  in  the  temporal         for both in his writings. (Ref:
            natural  world,  in  a  spiritual         Mulla  Sadra,  2008:  275-280,

            time that places it prior to the          298, 523-525; Ibid, 2014: 64-67;
            body  and  the  things  in  the           Obudiyyat, 2012: 309-318)
            sensible world.                              Regardless        of     which

               According  to  a  second               interpretation      is    correct,
            interpretation,  we  could  say           Mulla Sadra clearly holds that
            that  the  particular  soul  of           there  was  substantial  motion

            Adam  is  to  be  distinguished           at     the    corporeal      level
            from the general human soul,              (ascending  motion)  prior  to
            which  is  the  form  of  the             the  generation  of  the  human

            universal:  the  human,  or  an           spirit,  which  first  takes  the
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