Page 46 - Pure Life 34
P. 46
Allamah Misbah’s Puzzle … M. Legenhausen (45
existed all along with the Jumping Between the Horns:
body in order for it to have Fuzzy Logic
taken the developed forms of Allamah Misbah’s dilemma is
consciousness characteristic of based on the assumption that
human beings. either there is a first moment
Since the soul does not when ascending substantial
attach to the body at any motion occurs and the human
specific instant, it must have spirit animates the body or
been there in some primitive that the ascending motion was
form right from the start. Of always present and the spirit
course, the sort of consciousness was there, too, although in a
possessed by a quark is not tenuous way. However, there
going to be very sophisticated. is another possibility:
Tye calls it undirected or bare The ascent and appearance
consciousness. (Tye, 2021) of the soul might have no
Tye contends that panpsychism definite first moment and yet
allows for the emergence of they may have appeared
the consciousness characteristic gradually, so that prior to this
of the human mind from gradual appearance they did
what, by comparison, is not exist at all. This third
merely corporeal, although possibility can be illustrated
the stirrings of consciousness by means of fuzzy logic.
are already present in all Fuzzy logic was introduced
things, and the human soul by Lotfizadeh in 1965. (Ref:
becomes incorporeal by Belohlavek et al, 2017)
advancing beyond its primitive Remarkably, Zadeh was
levels. (Tye, 2021: 77) motivated to develop fuzzy
set theory because of vague