Page 49 - Pure Life 34
P. 49
48 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(34), Spring. 2023
various powers. Powers can there will be borderline cases
be stronger or weaker, just as along the way, cases in which
light can be more or less it is neither determinately true
bright. or false that something has a
Consider the power of soul of a given type. Although
reproduction. Occassional the concept of soul in
replication is not enough for Western philosophy draws on
the power to reproduce; but the Aristotelian tradition, the
the power to reproduce does fundamental problem of the
not entail that the process of fuzzy line between the living
reproduction will always be and the non-living remains in
successful. more recent discussions of the
The boundary between nature of life; (Ref: Cleland,
occassional replication and 2012) who recommends that
the power of reproduction attempts to define life be
necessary for the possession abandoned
of a vegetable soul is blurry, Recall that Mulla Sadra
that is, no non-arbitrary holds that the possession of a
criterion can be given to rational soul in humans is not
demarcate exactly when the attained by all, and when it is,
boundary is crossed. it is usually when one is about
Since the boundararies are forty years old. He is not
blurry between the living and imagining that on a particular
the non-living and between day conditions are met so that
the stages at which a soul the rational soul becomes
comes to possess the powers attached to person who lacked
by means of which the types reason the previous day.
of soul are distinguished,