Page 50 - Pure Life 34
P. 50

Allamah Misbah’s Puzzle … M. Legenhausen (49

               The  rational  soul  is  not  a        similar  in  relevant  ways  to
            fortieth  birthday  present;  But         what it was at  “tn”, then “S”

            if we use a bivalent logic, we            will  still  fail  to  have  an
            must  assume  that  there  is             immortal soul.
            some threshhold before which                 In     fuzzy      logic     this

            one  did  not  have  a  rational          supposition  is  rejected  and
            soul,  i.e.  the  power  of               replaced  by  closeness,  which
            reasoning,  and  after  which             in  our  example  means  that

            this soul becomes attached to             that  if  “S”  does  not  have  an
            the body.                                 immortal  soul  at  time  “tn”,
               If we reject the assumption            and  at  a  subsequent  time,

            of  bivalence,  and  replace  it          “tn+1”, the condition of “S” is
            with a fuzzy logic, we will be            similar  in  relevant  ways  to
            able to explain how there can             what  it  was  at  “tn”,  then  the

            be blurry boundaries, borderline          condition  of  “S”  at  “tn+1”
            cases,  and  a  solution  to  the         will be close to what it was at
            sorites    paradox.      Nicholas         tn    with     regard     to   the
            Smith  argues  that  the  key  to         possesson  of  an  immortal

            the  introduction  of  a  fuzzy           soul.
            logic  is  to  replace  the                  Smith explains this in terms
            supposition  mentioned  above             of  closeness  to  being  true  or

            by  what  he  calls  closeness.           false; (Ref: Ibid) but essentially
            (Smith, Vol. 3: 2015)                     the same point could be made
               Our earlier supposition was            about      full     or      partial

            that  if  “S”  does  not  have  an        membership  in  the  set  of
            immortal  soul  at  time  “tn”,           things having a soul or about
            and  at  a  subsequent  time,             the nature of the possession of

            “tn+1”, the condition of “S” is           a type of soul.
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