Page 48 - Pure Life 34
P. 48

Allamah Misbah’s Puzzle … M. Legenhausen (47

            of  a  human  being,  “S”,  who           subsequent  time,  “tn+1”,  the
            comes  into  the  possession  of          condition of “S” is similar in

            spirit. We begin by obersving             relevant  ways  to  what  it  was
            a series of stages. In the early          at “tn”, then “S” will still fail
            stages  of  the  series,  the             to  have  an  immortal  soul.

            proposition,  “S  possesses  an           Since  the  change  is  assumed
            incorporeal  spirit”  or  “S  has         to    be    gradual,     at    any
            an immortal soul” is false; but           successive  times  tn  and

            in  the  final  stages  of  the           “tn+1”  the  condition  of  “S”
            series,  it  is  true.  Of  course,       will  be  relevantly  similar  at
            this  is  contrary  to  the  view         both times.

            that all human beings possess                By      iteration     of    the
            a soul, to which many people              supposition,  using  a  bivalent
            are strongly committed.                   logic it would follow that “S”

               It  can  be  said  that  in  the       never  comes  into  possession
            earlies  stages,  the  body  is           of  an  immortal  soul.  If  a
            corporeally  human,  but  not             change  is  gradual,  successive
            yet      spiritually       human.         stages will be similar; and this

            Although  this  will  meet  with          will  prevent  a  change  from
            strong  resistance  in  many              not  having  a  soul  to  having
            quarters, we will assume it is            one.  An  argument  with  the

            true without further argument             same  structure  could  also  be
            in order to examine the logic             used  to  demonstrate  the
            of gradual change.                        impossibility  of  a  change  of

               Suppose  we  use  a  bivalent          color from dark to light.
            logic  and  observe  that  if  “S”           Coming into the possession
            does  not  have  an  immortal             of  various  kinds  of  soul

            soul  at  time  “tn”,  and  at  a         consists  in  having  life  with
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