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            122  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023

            has proved the incorporeality             cannot be material; Of course,
            of  the  soul  by  showing  the           Bergson does not achieve his
            incorporeality of consciousness           goal  easily  and  explains  in
            and  perception.  (Tabatabai,             this  field  to  a  great  extent.
            1997, Vol. 6: 192)                        (Pirmoradi, 2014: 48)

               According to Bergson, man                 According  to  him,  matter
            is composed of two parts; one             cannot  be  confined  to  the
            is  the  body  and  the  other  is        form we have of it; just as it

            the soul. (Gunn, 2004: 297)               cannot  be  considered  a  truth
               In  order  to  quash  the              other than what is understood;
            viewpoint of materialists who,            rather,  matter  is  a  collection

            using      the     findings      of       of  representations,  according
            psychology,  considered  the              to  Bergson.  The  meaning  of
            brain  to  be  the  place  of             representation  is  a  kind  of

            conceptions and memories of               existence  between  the  object
            the past, he sought help from             and the image; i.e., it is more
            the  science  of  psychology              than  the  image  and  less  than
            itself  and  came  to  the                the  object.  (Bergson  et  al,

            conclusion that the memories              2004, Chapter 4: 12)
            have no place in the brain and               In  terms  of  existence,  the
            basically they have no place.             soul     is    considered      the

            In this way, he comes close to            perfection  of  matter  and,  at
            announcing the incorporeality             the  same  time,  both  of  them
            of the soul and the negation of           originate     from     a    single

            materialism.                              substance called duration and,
               It  is  natural  that  the  force      in  this  sense,  he  can  be
            that  kept  these  memories               considered  a  monist;  But  in
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