Page 124 - Pure Life 35
P. 124
The Most Important Application of Self-knowledge… T.S. Amini et al (123
terms of the fact that, by Therefore, the face of the
appealing to intellectual human body changes into a
knowledge, he considers two vegetable form, then into an
separate realities of soul and animal form, and finally into
matter, he should be called a a human form.
dualist. (Eslami and Akwaan, So, from Allameh Tabatabai's
2019: 25) viewpoint, the connection and
relationship between the soul
2. The Soul-Body Relationship and the body is intrinsic and
Allameh Tabatabai, following real in such a way that they
the transcendent philosophy, can never be separated from
believes that the human soul each other. Allameh believes
is the same body that has that “I” is other than “My
taken another creation upon Body” and it's possible that
itself, without anything added half of one's body was cut off
to it. in an accident; But he himself
Man is a natural body at the was not cut in half and he is
beginning, and from the the same person as before the
beginning of his creation, accident. So the self is not
takes various forms, until material in any way.
finally, God Almighty gives (Tabatabai, 1997, Vol. 1:
this physical and solid being, 549-551)
another life, in which the Bergson explains the
creation of man has relationship between the soul
consciousness and will, and and the body through the
performs things that are not theory of perception. My
the work of body and matter;
body is unique in that I do not