Page 164 - Pure Life 35
P. 164
Comparative Analysis of the… S.S.H. Abedi & M.R. Mousavinasab (163
Just as you take care that As mentioned in these
the food of your body is verses, one of the reasons for
healthy and you disinfect and the hellish people to go to hell
eat fruits and vegetables, you is to sitting together with false
should also take care of people, and to sit together and
knowledge, which is the food become complicit with
of your soul . (Misbah Yazdi, unscrupulous people.
2003, Vol. 1: 148) “Khudh” means to Sink
into something and to be
10. The Role of Group and completely involved in it. A
Imitation in Learning person should not accompany
It is mentioned in the Holy and agree with their friends,
Quran about the consequences peers, neighbors, or relatives
of sitting with unhealthy people : just because they see
“Every soul is a pledge for something, choose a path, or
its own deeds * Save those do something.
who will stand on the right We should not imitate
hand * In gardens they will ask people’s morals, professions,
one another * Concerning the thoughts, and behavior without
guilty: * What hath brought research, reason, and logic,
you to this burning? * They and without being aware of
will answer: We were not people's intentions. This is
of those who prayed * Nor actually the same logic that
did we feed the wretched. * says: If you don't want to be
We used to wade with (all)
disgraced, become the same
waders”. (Quran, 74: 38-45)
color as the congregation;