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            164  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023

            Such an approach can lead to              etc.  In  this  limited  work,  we
            sitting  together  with  false            focused  on  the  issue  of
            people, and ultimately, falling           religious      education       and
            into  hell.  (Misbah  Yazdi,              learning in order to learn from

            2009: 310)                                the  opinions  and  thoughts  of
                                                      Maududi in this context.
            Abul-A'la Maududi's Quranic-
            Educational Opinions                      1. The Importance and Feature

            Maududi  believed  that  Islam            of Learning
            has  a  comprehensive  life               Maududi  points  out  the

            system  that  includes  the               importance  of  faith  and
            system  of  culture,  politics,           knowledge using this verse
            economy, education and self-                 “… And Allah will raise up
            purification  and  it is  superior           in ranks those who believed

            to  western  culture  and  its               among  you  and  those  who
            belongings in every way.  We                 have been given knowledge...”.
            must  clear  from  their  minds              (Quran, 58: 11)

            that  in  the  matter  of  culture           The real virtue of a Muslim
            and  civilization,  they  need  to        is  with  knowledge  and  faith,
            beg        before       someone.          not by sitting near the Prophet.

            (Siddiqui, 1998: 257)                        On  the  other,  Man  keeps
               Education  includes  a  wide           things  in  his  mind  with
            range of components, such as              names. Therefore, if  a person

            the philosophy and foundations            has been taught the names, it
            of  education,  the  system  of           means that he has been taught
            education,  education  issues,            him  all  knowledge.  (Ref:
                                                      Quran, 2: 31)
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