Page 166 - Pure Life 35
P. 166

Comparative Analysis of the… S.S.H. Abedi & M.R. Mousavinasab (165

            2.  Healing  the  Soul  of  the           those  diseases  (mental  and
            Learner with Proper Training              psychological)       could      be

            The  points  of  education  that          removed  from  the  depths  of
            we  can  use  from  Maududi's             his  heart.  (Maududi,  2018,
            interpretation (Quran, 16: 125)           Vol. 2: 581)

            are: When calling to God, one                On  the  other,  ethics  has
            should keep wisdom and good               always  been  one  of  the  most
            preaching  in  mind.  Wisdom              essential  issues in human life.

            means  that  one  should  not             (Hosseini, 2022)
            blindly  enter  education  and               Maududi       gave      special
            Islamic propagation; But first            attention  to  ethics  of  learner.

            one      should      know       the       In  another  place,  under  the
            intellectual level, capacity and          interpretation  of  the  word:
            talent of the audience and also           “Yuzakkihim”  or  to  Purify

            understand  the  situation  and           them, (Ref: Quran, 62: 1) he
            conditions of the audience.               considers the teacher's duty to
               The individual characteristics         be  beyond  mere  education
            of the audience should also be            and  believes  that  the  teacher

            recognized  and  not  everyone            inspired  by  the  life  of  the
            should  be  treated  the  same            Prophets,      should     try    to
            way.  First,  it  is  necessary  to       remove  moral  vices  and  bad

            identify  what  is  his  illness,         habits  from  the  souls  of  the
            disease  and  problem?  Then,             students  and cultivate  moral
            with  reasons  appropriate  to            skills in them. (Ref: Maududi,

            his personality, one should be            2018)
            treated  ;so  that  the  root  of
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