Page 61 - Pure Life 35
P. 61
60 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023
What is clear is the fact that It is quoted that Imam
God has mentioned that after Sadegh said:
death all humans would return “There is no one whose
to him. death emerges unless he/she
It is said that at the would see Prophet Muhammad
determined and promised and all innocent Imams. If
specific time of death, the dying person is one of
humans would disconnect the pious ones, at the time
their touch with all their of visit, he/she becomes
surroundings and friends; happy and loves seeing
they would not be able to them; And if the dying
describe their observations person happens not to be
and status; vice versa, their one of those pious ones, at
friends are not able to the time of visit, he would
communicate with them either think that are his/her
and they know that they are in enemies and he/she will not
the status of death; this status enjoy seeing them”.
is similar to a situation in (Majlisi, 1983, Vol. 82: 174)
which a person has found a
way into the other invisible To this end, the present
world and he/she is in a deep study aimed to answer these
sleep. questions:
He/she is separated from - What is the nature of the
the material world but his/her experience of returning to
heart and brain are still alive the body in Iranian NDErs,
and working but he/she has no and are there differences
control over his/her surroundings. and similarities in these