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            64  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023

            based on the Islamic doctrine                Using convenience sampling
            of  resurrection  and  in  line           method, 41 NDErs (18 females
            with  the  verses  of  the  Holy          and  23  males:  5  from  the
            Quran and Islamic teachings.              2020  season,  21  from  the
               Exploring  NDE  research               2021 season, and 15 from the

            helps  a  lot  to  understand  the        2022 season) were selected.
            NDEs  because  according  to,                The  criteria  for  selecting
            Kellehear (2009) a comprehensive          NDErs were receiving consents

            understanding  of  NDEs  can              for    participation     in    the
            be  reached  by  examining                research;  the  NDErs’  clinical
            larger  samples  from  diverse            death  had  to  be  justified  by

            societies and cultures.                   clinicians  and  hospital  staff;
               Moreover, NDE studies can              NDErs  had  to  be  returned  to
            provide  more  insights  and              life  using  cardiopulmonary

            scientific  explanations  about           resuscitation (CPR) procedures
            this challenging phenomenon.              or  any  other  means;  NDErs
                                                      had to be able to speak and to
            Research Method                           describe their experiences; and

            The        research       is      a       at the time of  conducting  the
            phenomenological  one.  The               research  NDErs  had  to  have
            statistical population included           full consciousness.

            all    Iranian     NDErs      who            Using  Strauss  and  Corbin
            participated in producing three           (2014) guidelines, the sample
            seasons of a television documentary       size  selection  was  continued

            called  “Life  After  Life  TV            until  it  reached  its  saturation
            Series” produced by Mowzoun               level (here 41).
            (2020-2022) in 33 episodes.
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