Page 66 - Pure Life 35
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The Nature of Experiencing of Returning… S. Mohammadsadeghipour et al (65

               The  main  data  gathering             most  suitable  semantic  unit
            method was recorded interviews,           was identified.
            with semi-structured questions.              The internal validity of the

            Using  seven  steps  Colaizzi             content        analysis       was
            (1978)  analyses  method;  all            evaluated       through       face
            texts  were  transcribed  word            validity,  and  the  content

            by word, coded, and analyzed.             validity  was  assessed  and
               In  addition  to  Colaizzi’s           confirmed  by  a  panel  of
            validation      method,       four        experts  (Table  1.)  to  support

            additional  validation  criteria          the construction of the themes
            (e.g., credibility, dependability,        or coding themes.
            confirmability, transferability)
            were  used.  (Ref:  Guba  and             2. Dependability

            Lincoln, 1982)                            To  ensure  the  dependability
                                                      of  the  data  in  the  present
            1. Credibility                            study, the researchers tried to

            Means  a  conscious  effort  to           avoid  the  elongation  of  the
            ensure the accurate interpretation        data  collection  process  as
            of the meaning of the data.               much  as  possible,  and  all

               To ensure the credibility of           NDErs  were  asked  the  same
            the  data  in  this  study,  efforts      questions.
            were  made  to  select  NDErs                In other words, to increase
            with  the  greatest  variety  in          the  accuracy  of  the  research,

            terms        of      experiences.         an outsider mentor was asked
            Sampling  continued  until  the           to  monitor the data gathering

            data  were  saturated  and  the           process  (Associate  Prof  of
                                                      Educational Psychology).
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