Page 63 - Pure Life 35
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62 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023
3. Religious Foundations when they had to return to
From the point of view of their bodies voluntarily or
Islamic philosophy, death with an obligation. (Ref:
causes material veils to be Greyson, 1983; Greyson and
gradually removed from Stevenson, 1980; Holden et al,
human vision, and the near- 2009; Perera et al, 2005;
death experience has a similar Rodabough and Cole, 2003,
situation. In this situation, the Vol. 1; Tassell-Matamua, 2013;
soul enjoys wide perceptions Wilde and Murray, 2009;
and awareness, which shows Young, 2016)
the survival of the soul in the In some cases, orders to
stage after death. return to life were induced to
This is a strong proof of the Near-Death Experiences (NDErs)
survival of human knowledge by individuals who were
and understanding after construed as luminous entities.
leaving the body, and even (Long and Perry, 2011;
this understanding is at a Ring, 2000; Rodabough and
much higher level than when Cole, 2003, Vol. 1; Sai and
the soul is in the physical Ghasemiannejad, 2014)
body. (Salariyan et al, 2022) In some cases, the relatives
asked the dying person to
4. Research Background return. (Greyson, 2000)
All over the world, on the NDE In some research findings,
issue, many phenomenological it has been concluded that in
researches were conducted. spite of NDErs decision to
The findings showed that stay and being reluctant to
people had reached a stage
return, there were obligatory