Page 62 - Pure Life 35
P. 62
The Nature of Experiencing of Returning… S. Mohammadsadeghipour et al (61
components in samples of death, there is this possibility
different nations and to return to the material life
cultures? while in biological death the
person will not come back to
Theoretical Foundations and life at all. (Moody, 1981)
Research Background
At first, the key words of the 2. Returning to Life
research are examined, then The NDErs pointed out that
the research Background is they have reached an
stated: irreversible point. They have
described this point with
1. Near-Death Experiences words such as door, window,
(NDE) portal, luminous transparent
There are many people who wall, or passage, and they
shared their secretive and believed that by crossing this
spiritual experiences on the point, they could not return to
verge of death. They usually the world, and crossing this
returned to life by the aid of point was equal to their
cardiopulmonary resuscitation irrevocable death.
(CPR) and experienced Besides, some spirits met
cognitive transcendental incidents. them at this point and told
These incidents are defined as them if they crossed this
the Near–death experience. point, they would not have a
(Greyson, 1992) way back to the world.
Those people died (Greyson and Stevenson, 1980;
temporarily and for many King, 2022; Morse, 1994)
reasons they experienced
clinical deaths. In a clinical