Page 148 - Pure Life 36
P. 148

The Impact of Mysticism… V. Solano-Urrutia et al (147

               A heart that is disconnected              Therefore,  it  is  clear  that
            from  God  is  prone  to  stray           Imam  Khomeini  visualized

            and  lose  its  inherent  purpose         the  development  of           the
            of  return.  The  heart  also             Presence  of  the  Heart  as  a
            behaves  like  a  mirror  or  a           must  for  his  followers  and

            window,         that       reflects       extensively,  for  all  Iranians
            whatever is contained in it. If           who embraced the revolution.
            the  individual  allows  the              Following a Qur’anic statement,

            entrance  of  others  except              the  internal  revolution  of  the
            God, that will be reflected in            hearts is a prerequisite for the
            the      individual’s        heart,       external revolution:

            attitudes, manners, behaviors,               “Truly God alters not what
            and even beliefs.                            is  in  a  people  until  they
               Imam Khomeini’s theorization              alter what is in themselves.

            of the “heart” is fundamental                And when God desires evil
            in  the  sense  that  the  heart  is         for  a  people,  there  is  no
            the compass of the believer in               repelling it; and apart from
            the  search  for  God  and  the              Him,      they     have      no

            destruction  of  multiplicities              protector”. (Qur’an, 13: 12)
            that  rest  in  the  individual’s
            loving  potentiality.  Spiritual          2. The Theory of “Wilayat-e

            awakening is not merely a state           Faqih”
            of  disconnection  from  the              The  theory  of  “Wilayat-e
            world; But rather the intention           Faqih” emphasizes that, in the

            of removing idols and combating           absence  of  the  Imam,  “those
            egotism and idolatry in all of            in authority among you” must
            its manifestations.                       fulfill  some  of  the  delegated
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