Page 168 - Pure Life 36
P. 168

Analyzing the Impact of Re-Organizing… D. Kibirango & S. H. Sajid (167

               There  are  also  ethical              growing        repository        of
            issues  resulting  in  challenges         empirical  studies  that  shed
            such  as  corruption,  bribes,            light  on  how  the  Iranian
            discrimination,  and  so  on,             education system has excelled

            leading  to  protests  at  various        by  primarily  being  based  on
            universities.                             religion     and      spirituality.
               Therefore,  the  mentioned             However, due to the growing

            and      other      unmentioned           influence  of  Western  culture
            challenges  create  a  burning            and  secularism  in  Uganda,
            need     to    re-organize      the       there  is  a  serious  need  to

            system       to    curb      those        show       the      impact       of
            anomalies.  When  the  higher             establishing       our      higher
            education  system  operates               education      system      on     a

            based      on     religion     and        religious       and       spiritual
            spirituality,  its  impacts  are          foundation.
            felt by individuals and society              Therefore,       the      main
            at  large  since  the  higher             research  question  is  what  are

            educational institutions produce          the  individual  and  social
            the  workforce  and  indeed               impacts based on religion and
            generate  knowledge  and  new             spirituality     in     Uganda’s

            information  that  sustains  and          higher education system?
            develops      the    community.
            (Nakimuli, 2015)                          Theoretical Foundations and

               Additionally,  one  can  take          Research Background
            notice of the education system            Religion  refers  to  a  series  of
            in  Iran  and  discover  a                beliefs,  practical  rules,  and
                                                      moral  instructions  that  are
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