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            168   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(36), Autumn. 2023
            divinely brought from God to              integration  of  both  secular
            guide              humankind.             and     religious     knowledge
            (Javadi Amoli, 2007)                      underscores their complementary
               According  to  the  Uganda             nature  and  thus  emphasizes

            Bureau  of  Statistics  (2016),           the         importance           of
            9%  of  Ugandans  are  Roman              incorporating  religion  within
            Catholic, 32% Anglican, 11%               the  higher  education  system.

            Pentecostal  Christian,  and              (Rabbani Golpayegani, 2018)
            14%  Muslim;  While  other                   Various  researchers  have
            religious  groups  and  those             proposed  many  ways  to

            without  religious  affiliation           improve the education system
            constitute      5%       of     the       in  Uganda,  to  curb  down
            population.  Agnostics  and               challenges faced by it, such as

            atheists  combined  are  only             streamlining       policies      to
            0.2%. Conversely, spirituality            entrench  skill  development
            entails      an       internalized        rather than academic work and
            engagement  with  religion,               examination. (Nuwagaba, 2005)

            focusing  on  self-purification              However, it is important to
            and  the  practice  of  virtuous          note  that  academic  work  and
            actions. (Elhaminia, 2008)                examination        should       be

               This      underscores        the       considered  as  a  means  for
            significant      influence       of       skill  development.  This  is
            religion  on  the  lives  of              because,  in  religion  and

            Ugandans,  advocating  for  its           spirituality,  someone  has  to
            crucial  role within the higher           be tested.
            education  framework.  The
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