Page 170 - Pure Life 36
P. 170
Analyzing the Impact of Re-Organizing… D. Kibirango & S. H. Sajid (169
The Holy Qur’an says: The holy Qur’an mentions
“Do the people suppose the following about the
that they will be let off comprehensiveness of religion:
because they say, ‘We have “So set your heart as a
faith,’ and they will not be person of pure faith on this
tested?” (Qur’an, 29: 2) religion, the original
nature endowed by Allah
In conjunction with the according to which He
above, the system of higher originated mankind. There
education founded on religion is no altering Allah’s
fosters individual growth such creation; that is the upright
as the increase and expansion religion, but most people do
of talents, courage, a sense of not know”. (Qur’an, 30: 30)
responsibility, and so forth. It
also benefits society, for This implies that an
instance, it promotes social advanced higher education
determination and independence, system needs proper religion
etc,. to awaken HEIs to make
This can be achieved advancements in individual
through religion which traits and flourish in our
encompasses all spheres of country.
life including both material After all, religion
and spiritual requirements for encourages systematic Ijtihad
the perfection of all human and independent mental
beings. reasoning in understanding
and responding to needs. As a
result, the system of education