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            172   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(36), Autumn. 2023

            religious      worldview         as          From the above two verses,
            opposed       to    being     only        we  deduce  the  following:
            secular,  as  the  education              God,  as  the  sovereign  entity,
            system is currently based. The            holds  dominion  over  the

            worldview           helps        in       entirety  of  the  universe,
            formulating the philosophy of             governing      its    laws     and
            education      for     a    higher        principles;  While  vast  and

            education system. (Davoudi &              expansive,       the     universe
            Karamadpishe, 2021)                       possesses  inherent  limitations
               The  following  verses  can            and  boundaries,  defining  its

            help  in  deriving  religious  a          scope and extent.
            worldview:                                   The  natural  world,  despite
               “Whoever  is  on  the  earth           its  grandeur  and  complexity,

               will  perish,  and  the  only          remains      subject     to    the
               thing  that  remains  is  your         inevitable course of annihilation,
               Lord’s       majestic       and        implying  an  ultimate  end  or
               magnificent         presence”.         cessation.

               (Qur’an, 55: 26-27)                       Within      the    fabric    of
                                                      existence,  there  exists  a
               For by him, all things were            dichotomy        between       the

               created,  in  heaven  and  on          perceivable,  tangible  world
               earth, visible and invisible,          and  the  unseen,  metaphysical
               whether thrones or dominions           realm, shaping a comprehensive

               or  rulers  or  authorities            reality.
               things       were      created            God  embodies  absolute
               through  him  and  for  him.           perfection in every conceivable

               (Bible, Colossians. 1: 16)
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