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            170   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(36), Autumn. 2023

            will  be  able  to  adapt  to             beyond  spiritual  guidance.
            dynamism in any given period              These  organizations  actively
            leading      to    its   thriving.        engage  in  civic  education,
            (Motahhari, 2011)                         undertaking the responsibility

               Consequently, the credibility          of  educating  their  followers
            of the proposed system relates            comprehensively across political,
            to  the  tremendous  success              socioeconomic,  and  cultural

            achieved       by      religiously        spheres          to         foster
            oriented  top-ranking  HEIs               developmental initiatives.
            such  as  Uganda  Christian                  Additionally, they advocate

            University (UCU) and Islamic              for    the    safeguarding       of
            University in Uganda.                     fundamental  Human  Rights,
               Based on multiple research             provide         support          to

            endeavors        conducted       in       marginalized  or  vulnerable
            Uganda, including Okiror (2017),          groups,  and  promote  values
            religion, predominantly facilitated       such as political and religious
            by its associated organizations,          tolerance        within        the

            has demonstrated a significant            community,        among      other
            role  in  delivering  spiritual           influential endeavors.
            sustenance  and  contributing                Religious  tenets  constitute

            considerably  to  the  social             a pivotal influence within the
            welfare of its adherents.                 framework          of       higher
               Furthermore, findings from             education. For instance, in his

            various  studies  indicate  that          conceptual framework addressing
            religious institutions assume a           educational  deficiencies  in
            multifaceted  role,  extending            Uganda,      Harrison      (2017)
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