Page 172 - Pure Life 36
P. 172
Analyzing the Impact of Re-Organizing… D. Kibirango & S. H. Sajid (171
underscores the finite nature Also, according to Abedi &
of self-control, asserting that Mousavinasab (2023), these
its utilization becomes textual foundations serve as
imperative in decision-making. cornerstones for religious
This underscores the scholars, shaping their
profound role of religion perspectives and philosophies
within the educational sphere, regarding education. Hence,
offering a pathway toward the this serves to underscore the
cultivation of capable and pertinence and significance of
self-assured graduates. our research endeavor.
Davoudi & Karamadpishe (2021) Thus, the above
expound upon the extensive background motivates us to
historical underpinnings of an analyze the impact of re-
education system rooted in organizing Uganda's higher
religious principles. Primarily, education system based on
religious scriptures harbor religion and spirituality.
educational precepts, encapsulating
numerous verses and Foundations of the Religious
narratives delineating the and Spiritual Higher Education
value of knowledge, its System
inherent virtues, the imperative The following are the
nature of learning, and the philosophical foundations of
guiding principles for both the higher education system
knowledge acquisition and based on religion and
scholarly pursuits. spirituality.
Firstly, the higher education
system should be based on a