Page 186 - Pure Life 36
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Analyzing the Impact of Re-Organizing… D. Kibirango & S. H. Sajid (185

            toward  research  endeavors               catalyzes progress and prosperity,
            aimed  at  alleviating  poverty.          even  amid  constraints  of
            A  strategic  alignment  of  the          limited  or  fragile  material
            higher  education  system  with           resources. (Imam Khomeini, 1999)

            religious       and       spiritual          Spirituality is acknowledged
            underpinnings  holds  promise             as a catalyst for guidance and
            in advancing this overarching             rectification  (Qur’an  36:  11)

            objective.                                underscores  the  notion  that
               Spirituality and materialism           spirituality opens pathways to
            are  recognized  as  twin  facets         correction  and  happiness.  As

            of progress and advancement;              highlighted by Imam Khomeini
            While      material     resources         (1999),  this  aspect  enables
            contribute  significantly  to             human  advancement  through

            development, spiritual dimensions         admonition,  guidance,  and
            often  provide  complementary             collective  endeavors  toward
            avenues  for  advancement,                societal objectives.
            particularly      in    scenarios            When spirituality transitions

            where material resources may              into  a  collective  mindset,  it
            prove inadequate.                         holds  the  capacity  to  address
               The  comprehensive  and                societal challenges, consequently

            holistic  nature  of  spiritual           fostering  both  social  and
            approaches  affords  unique               scientific  advancement.  This,
            advantages, fostering a robust            as asserted by Motahhari (2011),

            work ethic within individuals.            augments  human  capabilities
            This cultivation of conscientiousness,    across various domains.
            dedication, and societal responsibility
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