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            186   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(36), Autumn. 2023

               Reconfiguring Uganda's higher          person can be innovative, and
            education system to center on             up-to-date.
            religious       and       spiritual          The prophet Muhammad said:
            principles  is  posited  as  a               “He  whose  two  days  are

            means  to  foster  development               equal  is  a  sure  loser”.
            and  prosperity.  It  is  argued             (Majlisi, 2011)
            that  only  those  steeped  in

            spirituality      possess       the          “Anyone       who      pursues
            potential  to  contribute  to  the           business becomes independent
            salvation and advancement of                 from people”. (Majlisi, 2011)

            their nation and society.                    From  the  above  narration,
                                                      we  understand  that  not  only
            4.        Innovation          and
            Entrepreneurship                          retreat but also stagnation and

            Innovation and entrepreneurship           not  doing  something  are
            are the main objectives of all            contrary      to     faith     and
            higher  education  institutes  in         spirituality. Therefore, establishing

            Uganda.  This  is  why  all               higher  education  on  religion
            institutions  and  organizations          and  spirituality  will  boost
            regard  innovation  as  an                innovation and entrepreneurship.

            important  aspect  of  their              5.  Promoting  Hygiene  and
            development.                              Health
               Religion  presents  the  best          Health and hygiene are still a

            spiritual  plan  and  regards             problem in Uganda that must
            innovation and entrepreneurship           be solved by re-organizing the
            as  the  basis  of  daily  life  so       Ugandan  higher  education
            that  a  faithful  and  spiritual         system  based  on  religion  and
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