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            64   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 10(36), Autumn. 2023
            that the mind is dependent on             Universe; But also the field of
            Nafs  and  is  part  of  which.           consciousness  and  awareness
            (Javadi Amoli, 2010, Vol. 1: 44)          that  interacts  with  itself  and
                                                      finally appears in the form of
            2- Chopra's Viewpoint                     mind and body.
            Today,        two        sciences,           Quantum  physics  tells  us
            philosophy  of  mind  and                 that  the  world  is  made  up  of
            cognitive sciences, discuss the           an      invisible     field     of
            mind  and  mental  states.  In            consciousness  that  manifests
            both,  the  mind  is  a  complex          itself in various and unlimited
            and  unknown  thing.  The                 ways  in  the  Universe.  The
            complexity  of  the  mind  is             field  of  consciousness  that  is
            perhaps  one  of  the  reasons            mentally  experienced  is  the
            caused  Westerners  to  doubt             mind. (Ibid, 28)
            Nafs  and  mainly  discuss  the              By  summarizing  Chopra's
            mind instead.                             statements,  we  can  conclude
               Chopra  divides  the  mind             that  he  considers  human
            into  cosmic  and  individual.            existence to be in two stages,

            The  cosmic  mind  creates  the           the  first  is  the  field  of
            physical     world      and     the       consciousness  and  awareness
            individual  mind  experiences             and  the  second  is  the  human
            the  material  world.  Both  the          being  who  exists  in  the
            cosmic       mind      and      the       material  world.  In  the  first
            individual mind are influenced            stage,    the     human      mind
            by  infinite  consciousness.              interacts  with  awareness  and
            Every man is the infinite field           consciousness and creates the
            of  consciousness  that  creates          human body  and  mind  in  the
            the body, mind, and the whole             second stage. (Ibid: 25)
            universe. (Chopra, 2009: 25)                 From Chopra's expressions,
               Human  nature  is  not  only           one     can    understand      the
            the  life-giving  center  of  the         extension  of  the  mind  in  the
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