Page 66 - Pure Life 36
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A Critical Approach to Human Position… H. A. Islaminasab & H. Moridian (65
first and second stages; In health does not have a
such a way that sometimes he specific human nature. As a
considers the mind to be the result, the mind is
first infinite field of immaterial and man is the
awareness and consciousness, mind and nothing else.
and sometimes he introduces (Ibid, 2015)
the current human being as
the mind. Citing an Indian he divides the soul into two
proverb, he says: parts, “Jiva” and “Atman”.
With introspection, I create “Jiva” is the soul of man, and
again and again. I create “Atman” is the pure soul that
the mind, I create the body, is made of the substance of
I create thoughts and the the Almighty God. (Ibid, 2001)
universe, and I create In short, Chopra considers
everything that I call reality. the mind to be an immaterial
(Chopra, 2009: 34) element and considers man to
be equal to it, through which
In mind-body medicine, he he can create in the world.
is also searching for the
nature of mind; Therefore, in Adapting of Human Existence
response to the question, is Domains
the mind the general In discussing the existential
personality of the patient, his dimensions of man, Mulla
subconscious mind, his states Sadra believes that man is
and deep beliefs that attract composed of Nafs and the
the physician, or is it body, and he considers Nafs
something that psychology is to be the soul or the same
still unable to recognize and subtle Devine matter of man,
define? says: which is a divine matter and a
Perhaps the aspect of mind secret of Divine Secrets,
involved in illness and which is worthy of knowing
the truths of beings due to its