Page 64 - Pure Life 36
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A Critical Approach to Human Position… H. A. Islaminasab & H. Moridian (63
independent of material and the mind precisely and
exists before the body and clearly:
joins it after the creation of The mind is the capacity of
the body: Nafs to acquire knowledge
Nafs is not the body; But a that is not available to it. In
simple substance that drives other words, the Almighty
the body. (Saliba, 1982) God created the human
Nafs with no knowledge of
Mulla Sadra accepted things; But his creation is
Aristotle's definition and gave to acquire this knowledge,
it both physical and spiritual as a result, Nafs must be
aspects. As a result, Nafs is a capable of acquiring this
power that exists in the body knowledge. Therefore, this
or belongs to it and is the capacity is the mind.
source of various impressions. The capacity of Nafs to
(Mulla Sadra, 1981, Vol. 8: 6) acquire knowledge is called
In other words, Mulla the mind. If each of the
Sadra says on the reality of parts of the human body,
Nafs: the soul or the divine such as ears, tongue, eyes,
subtle of man is a divine and thoughts, are in
matter and a secret of Divine harmony with each other,
Secrets, which due to its Nafs which is ignorant of
righteous and good nature is things, becomes enlightened.
worthy of knowing the truths (Ibid, 2007, Vol. 1: 225)
of beings; But it must remove
the non-existence and Therefore, there is a close
existence veils. (Ibid, 1996: 255) and deep connection between
Among the Islamic the mind and Nafs in such a
philosophers, Mulla Sadra is way that the mind is the
one of the few who defined capacity and power of Nafs to
acquire knowledge. It means