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            88  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 10(36), Autumn. 2023

            what the mind is and what the             not mean that a person lives a
            characteristics of mental modes           problem-free  life  or  goes
            are. So, we concentrate on the            through all the burdens of life
            definition of health.                     easily,  because  human  life  is
               It  should  be  noted  that  the       naturally  always  full  of

            definition  does  not  prove  to          problems       and      obstacles.
            be  a  logical  one  and  we  also        (Muhammad-Bello et al, 2021)
            do not intend to find a logical

            definition of health. What we                The majority of people find
            intend is to clarify the concept          being  healthy  as  the  norm.  It
            by  distinguishing  it  from              could  be  inferred  that  they

            similar concepts.                         believe  that  most  people  are
                                                      often  healthy.  As  a  result,
               Almost  all  people  have  an
            idea about health and disease             ideas  concerning  illness  exist

            which  is  rooted  in  their              in the context of beliefs about
            concrete  experiences  in  daily          what  is  usual.  Conducted
            life.  Nonetheless,  we  will             surveys  indicate  that  people
            propose  a  more  accurate                have  different  ideas  about

            definition      that    suits     a       what  health  means  and  how
            philosophical discussion.                 we  are  permitted  to  call
               A life free from every form            someone healthy.

            of mental disturbance such as                Some  simply  believe  in
            worry,  anxiety,  depression,             health  as  a  lack  of  illness
            hatred, or ill will, is a goodly          while  others  consider  some

            pure  life.  Meanwhile,  it  is           additional  factors  such  as
            pertinent  to  say  that  inner           health  behaviors,  physical
            peace  or  peace  of  mind  does          fitness,  energy  and  vitality,
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