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            92  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 10(36), Autumn. 2023

            others while avoiding excessive              Additionally,  control,  self-
            demands  on  others  to  gratify          confidence,  satisfaction,  and
            his/her        own         needs.         other  feelings  are  subjective
            (Nolen-Hoeksema et al,  2009: 539)        senses that only be conceived
               This  is  a  combination  of           and assessed by introspection.

            subjective      and      objective        Therefore,  the  meaning  of
            factors,  namely  feelings  and           normality        is     to      be
            behaviors.                                comprehended         based      on

                                                      common sense and introspection.
            - Productivity
             It    is     connected       with        4. Common Sense

            enthusiasm about life. Normal             Given  our  discussion  about
            men  can  channel  personal               normality,  common  sense,  in
            abilities     into     productive         some cases, can determine the
            activities. (Ibid: 539)                   normal  instances.  Thus,  we

               The  last  characteristic  is          should trust common sense to
            subjective too.                           find     the     definition     of
               The  above-mentioned  five             normality.

            characteristics mainly refer to              In  other  words,  a  normal
            common sense and subjective               instance  is  what  people
            factors.  As  far  as  common             consider  as  normal;     But  the

            sense  is  concerned,  the  true          rising  question  is  how  it  is
            interpretation       of     social        possible  to  define  something
            interaction, moderation, sensitivity,     based on common sense. Is it

            and productivity are determined           plausible       to      find      a
            by  what  ordinary  people                philosophical  discussion  on
            consider.                                 what  people  think  and  say?
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