Page 94 - Pure Life 36
P. 94
A Logical Analysis of Mental Health… M. Najafi & H. Vakili (93
Who is/are responsible for know what a triangle is,
defining the terms? Why he/she lacks a conception.
should we accept their (Avicenna, 2015: 57-58)
definition? On the other hand, he/she
It initially seems bizarre to lacks any judgment when
find an academic inquiry on knows what the triangle is but
common sense, though it will queries whether the sum of its
be revealed that there is no angle is 180. These types of
way except considering knowledge could be accorded
common sense. It is with concept and proposition.
undeniable that people, A concept explains the
occasionally, consider an meaning of a term and a
erroneous idea as a correct proposition states something
one, and after a while, it is about facts or state of affairs.
disclosed that they were not What common sense could
right. Why should we base affirm is the meaning of the
our inquiry on such an term which correlates with
unsound foundation? naming. It could determine
To answer this question, we what a term means but in the
first distinguish between concepts proposition realm, it is not valid.
and propositions. Although common sense may
Avicenna holds that known make mistakes about propositions,
things are either conception or it does not misunderstand the
judgment. Correspondingly, meaning of a term.
the unknowns are either Put differently, it is
conception or judgment. For acceptable to consider that
example, when one does not people were mistaken about a