Page 66 - Pure Life 37
P. 66

Personal Identity in… Sh. Vahidi Mehrajardi et al (65

                       of    time    experienced      by         with essences being subject to

                       individuals  can  be  seen  as            change and determined based
                       mere  glimpses  of  the  greater          on  the  intensity  of  their
                       human  experience  that  exists           existence.  Furthermore,  he

                       beyond our immediate perception.          asserts  that  Existence  is  a
                         The  concept  of  the  reality          singular  and  uncomplicated
                       of  human  existence  can                 reality,  which  can  be  graded

                       provide  answers  to  various             in terms of its perfection.
                       inquiries  regarding  human                  Misbah Yazdi subscribes to
                       identity and  the  continuity of          the  notion  that  existence  is
                       individuals.  However,  it  is            not uniform; But rather exists

                       important  to  note  that  this           in different grades. The lower
                       understanding requires certain            grades  are  characterized  by
                       prerequisites,  such  as  having          imperfections and limitations;

                       faith  in  the  Qur’an  and               While  the  higher  levels  are
                       possessing  a  comprehensive              simpler,  purer,  and  closer  to
                       comprehension  of  Islamic                unity.  As  existence  grades

                       philosophy,  particularly  from           down,  it  expands,  and  vice
                       the  perspective  of  Mulla               versa.
                       Sadra. He is often regarded as               According to Misbah Yazdi,

                       the  pioneer  of  existentialism          each  human  being  is  a
                       philosophy, distinct from Western         reflection  of  a  higher  reality
                       Existentialism,  posited  that            that  is  less  limited  and  more

                       Reality  is  synonymous  with             perfect.  Unity  and  simplicity
                       Existence.  According  to  his            are among the perfections that
                       viewpoint,  an  essence  is               can be found in existence. By

                       merely a general concept and              referring  to  this  higher  and
                       lacks actual existence.                   purer being, we can establish
                         Mulla  Sadra's  metaphysics             a clear identity and ensure the
                       places  greater  emphasis  on             persistence  of  any  human

                       existence rather than essence,            being.  It  is  worth  noting  that
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