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                       64   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 11(37), Winter. 2024
                       Strawson, and Olson and Witt.                “There  is  not  a  thing  but
                       (Ref:  Strawson,  2008;  Olson               that  its  sources  are  with
                       & Witt, 2019)                                Us,  and  We do  not send  it
                         Misbah  Yazdi  offers  a                   down  except  in  a  known

                       unique  perspective  on  the                 measure”.  (The  Qur’an,
                       issue  of  persistence,  drawing             15: 21)
                       upon metaphysical and Islamic

                       philosophy.  According  to  his              Within       this    particular
                       explanation, every moment of              verse, God conveys the notion
                       existence,  regardless  of  its           that  the  origins  of  all  things

                       duration,  contains  a  distinct          lie  within  Him,  emphasizing
                       aspect  of  one's  being.  These          that the act of creation or the
                       various  aspects  represent  the          emergence  of  new  beings  is

                       countless  possibilities  of  a           contingent  upon  time  or
                       person's  existence  and  are             specific circumstances.
                                                                    In  another  verse,  God
                       reflections     of    a    higher
                       metaphysical realm.                       highlights  that  when  He

                         Unlike our world, which is              intends  to  bring  something
                       bound  by  the  constraints  of           into existence, He does so in a

                       time, these metaphysical realms           singular instance:
                       transcend  such  limitations.                “All  His  command,  when
                       Within  them,  the  diverse                  He  wills  something,  is  to
                       characteristics of an individual             say  to  it  ‘Be,’  and  it  is”.

                       are     condensed       into     a           (The Qur’an, 36: 82)
                       simplified form, encompassing                The  world  we  inhabit  is
                       all the intricacies of their life.        believed to be a reflection of a

                       To support his theory, Misbah             higher,  metaphysical  realm,
                       Yazdi  cites  verses  from  the           encompassing all existence in
                       Qur’an, where Allah Almighty              a  condensed  and  simplified

                       said:                                     manner.  In  essence,  the
                                                                 transformations  and  passage
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