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                       74  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 11(37), Winter. 2024

                       Introduction                              Day  of  Resurrection,  and
                       The  sect  historiographers  in           likewise,      he     must      act
                       the  early  Islamic  eras  were           righteously. (Ibid: 41)
                       driven  to  clarify  and  define             Hence, the objective of this
                       the  concepts  of  faith  and             research  is  to  clarify  the
                       disbelief  in  their  works               method  used  by  Muslim
                       because  of  the importance of            sectarians  to  deal  with  the
                       the  subject  matter  and  the            issue  in  their  writings  and

                       ensuing      implications      for        provide  examples.  Therefore,
                       happiness and misery.                     the  main  question  of  the
                         Even  though  both  material            research  is  how  are  the
                       and spiritual aspects of human            themes  of  faith  and  disbelief
                       existence need attention, spiritual       and  happiness  and  misery
                       health  should  be  given  more           evaluated from the viewpoint

                       attention; Because it is believed         of Muslim sect historiographers.
                       that the ultimate objective and           Theoretical Foundations and
                       the only path for man to reach            Research Background

                       the    truth    is    happiness,          From  the  perspective  of  the
                       success, and prosperity in this           Qur’an  and  the  righteous
                       world  and  the  hereafter.               Islamic  society,  the  topic  of

                       (Muhammad-Bello          et    al,        faith  and  disbelief,  and  its
                       2021: 40-41)                              related  concept  of  happiness
                         In  general,  in  the  Islamic          and misery for man, has been

                       worldview,  pure  life  and               of  great  significance.  The
                       prosperity  in  this  material            holy Qur’an repeatedly
                       world and the Hereafter could             addresses  this  topic,  clearly
                       only be attained by man in the            defining      the     boundaries

                       beam  of  faith  and  righteous           between  disbelief  and  faith
                       deeds;  thus,  one  who  wishes           and between disbelievers and

                       to  find  it  in  both  worlds            believers.  (Ref:  The  Qur’an,
                       should  possess  a  correct               2:  257;  5:  15-16;  14:  1-5;
                       belief  in  God,  His  Apostles,          39: 22; 57: 9; 65: 11)
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