Page 79 - Pure Life 37
P. 79
78 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 11(37), Winter. 2024
They have made an effort reported by at least three
to separate the true believers narrators in every era) and the
and the righteous from those perspective of Sunni scholars
who reject the religion, adopt on it, Baghdadi further
new ideas, and act according elaborated on the subject and
to their desires. stated that according to the
beliefs of Sunnis, which are
- Sunni Sect Historiographers also his own beliefs, He
One of the Sunni sect phrased it as follows: Those
historiographers, who gave who deny the sight of God,
great importance to the issue Kawthar, intercession and the
of faith and disbelief and torment of the grave are
stated its examples, is Abd considered infidels. (Baghdadi,
al-Qahir Baghdadi. He is 1988: 314)
known for his firm stance on In addition to declaring
sectarianism and, more various Islamic sects to be
importantly, for his belief in inadmissible, Baghdadi frequently
Takfir's opponents and for views certain Islamic sects as
accusing them of leaving the existing entirely outside the
religion. boundaries of Islam. He talks
In other words, he has about the sects that, in his
drawn clear and extensive opinion, pretend to be
boundaries between truth and connected to Islam but are
falsehood, allowing him to seen as being outside of its
easily declare the beliefs of bounds in the 4th chapter of
other sects as invalid and his book “Al-Farq Bayn al-Firaq”.
assert the truthfulness of his (Ibid: 222)
own beliefs. (Jabbarizadeh, He explained the principles
2004: 365) of twenty different sects that
After explaining the he believed were not a part of
concept of Mustafid Hadith the Muslim community.
(an abundant tradition