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                       76  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 11(37), Winter. 2024

                       According to this Hadith, like            that he wrote the book due to
                       previous religions, the Islamic           his friends' request to explain
                       Ummah after the Prophet will              the  saved  sect,  providing
                       divide  into  over  70  or  73            evidence  for  the  firm  faith,

                       sects, only one of which will             and  clarity  on  the  Hadith.
                       be  saved.    This  issue  was  so        (Baghdadi, 1988: 2)
                       important  that  Muslim  sect                In a similar vein, Fadl ibn

                       historiographers   even  made             Shadan  Neyshaburi  wrote
                       an  effort  to  reconcile  their          “Al-‘Izah”,  a  work  in  which
                       respective  faiths  with  this            he  attempted  to  establish  the
                       Hadith  and  came  up  with               Shia  faith  as  the  saved  sect.

                       formulas to get to the number             (Ref: Neyshaburi, 2009)
                       seventy-three.                               In  his  work  “Masail  al-
                         This  method  was  common               Imamah”,  Nashi  Akbar  also

                       during  the  current  research            maintained  the  view  that  the
                       period,  which  spans  the  first         Muslim sects are divided into
                       five  centuries  of  Islam.  For          seventy-three  groups,  based

                       example,  Hakim  Samarqandi               on the Hadith of the Prophet.
                       addressed  this  matter  in               (Nashi Akbar, 2020: 40)
                       “Sawad A'zam”. (Ref; Hakim                   Esfarayeni's  viewpoint  in

                       Samarqandi, 2014: 26-27)                  “Al-Tabsir”  aligns  with  his
                         Shafi'i    also     used     the        teacher,  Baghdadi,  regarding
                       numerical  context  of  the               the  Hadith  Iftiraq  and  its

                       Hadith Iftiraq to calculate the           application  by  the  Sunnis  as
                       number  of  Muslim  sects.                the saved sect.
                       Then, based on the Hadith ‘s                 Balkhi,  the  author  of

                       latter  half,  he  regards  those         “Bayan al-Adyan” who likely
                       who follow the Sunnah as the              had Shia inclinations, presented
                       saved sect. (Shafi'I, 1993)               the  chain  of  narration  of  the
                         In his book “Al-Farq Bayn               Hadith Iftiraq differently and

                       al-Firaq”,  Baghdadi  stated              attributed  it  to  Imam  Sadiq.
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