Page 78 - Pure Life 37
P. 78
The Perspectives of Sect Histrographers… H.R. Qolizadeh & E. Touran (77
(Habibi Mozahari, 1994, sectarianism in Islam based
Vol. 6: 267) on the notions of disbelief
Among the scholars who and faith. In this study, he
did not mention the Hadith discussed the general aspects
Iftiraq in their works about of Takfir and its historical
the Islamic sects, Ibn Hazm background at the inception
considered this Hadith of Islam, predominantly
inadmissible and incorrect, relying on its origins.
while some others regarded it Izutsu (2020), in the book
as fabricated. (Aqanouri, “The Concept of Belief in
2003: 129) Islamic Theology”, examined
Abu-Hatim Razi, in his the concept of disbelief and
book “Al-Zinah”, referred to faith. However, his approach
this Hadith in the section primarily revolves around
related to enumerating sects theological perspectives and
and presented his argument. occasionally references some
(Razi, 2011: 57) sects' views on this matter.
Among these scholars, some Nevertheless, few research
Muslim sects historiographers, papers seem to be available in
such as Nawbakhti, ‘Ash’ari, this area.
Balkhi, Muqaddasi, and
Mofid, have focused merely 1. Faith and Disbelief
on reporting the divisions A significant number of
among sects and have not Muslim sect historiographers
mentioned the Hadith Iftiraq. have addressed this issue in
This issue has also been their writings, as was
discussed in the contemporary previously noted on the
age; For example: significance of faith and
Ja’farian (2022), in his book disbelief and their determination
“Lessons about Islamic Sects”, in the eyes of Muslims.
addressed the topic Religious