Page 80 - Pure Life 37
P. 80

The Perspectives of Sect Histrographers… H.R. Qolizadeh & E. Touran (79

                         In  his  book  “Al-Tabsir”,             viewpoint       in    his    book

                       similar       to      Baghdadi,           “Sawad  A'zam”,  which  has
                       Esfarayeni     confirmed       the        long  been  regarded  as  an
                       Sunni  sects  and  introduced             explanation  of  the  beliefs  of

                       them as the saved sects. In the           many Hanafis. (Ref: Ibid)
                       13th  chapter  of  the  book,  he            According  to  Samarqandi,
                       mentioned  the  number  of                faith  is  a  gift  from  God,

                       sects he believed were outside            unlike  the  Qadariyyah,  who
                       of     Islam,      hence       not        believe in human free will, or
                       considering  them  among  the             the Jabriyyah, who believe in
                       seventy-three  Islamic  sects,            absolute  divine  will  without

                       although       their      number          considering  human  free  will.
                       exceeds       twenty        sects.        (Ibid: 43)
                       (Esfarayeni, 1980)                           He said that actions are not

                         Similarly, Hakim Samarqandi             part  of  faith,  (Ibid:  127)  and
                       viewed the Ghalibian  sect  as            considered  them  non-created.
                       unbelievers because they hold             He      mentioned       intriguing
                       that  power  and  the  kingdom            evidence  and  claimed  if  a
                       belongs  to  the  one  who
                       prevails;  whoever  prevails,             disbeliever embraced Islam in
                       the  kingdom  will  be  his.  He          any place and situation, it was
                       also  considered  the  Sifaatian          accepted;       But     if    s/he
                       sect  as  unbelievers  because            performed prayers, it was not
                       they  hold  that  the  Qur’an             accepted,  (Ibid:  129)  which
                       does  not  reveal  anything               indicates      his     inclination
                       about  God  and  is  not  a               towards  the  concept  of  Irja’
                       revelation.  Because  of  their
                       particular  interpretations  of           (postponement  of  judgment
                       the     Qur’an,       he      also        on  whether  someone  is  a
                       considered  the  Lafdhiya  sect           believer or not).
                       unbelievers. (Hakim Samarqandi,              Regarding  the  Ja'diyyah,
                       2014)                                     whom  he  counted  among  the
                         Noticeably, Hakim Samarqandi            Kharijites,  he  also  ordered  a
                       put  forward  an  intriguing
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