Page 102 - Pure Life 37
P. 102

Typology of Religious Lifestyle Results… Z. Nabavi (101

                            Diagram 1. Qur’anic Typology of the Combination of Faith and
                                                     Righteous Deeds

                       1.  Pure  Life  and  the  Best            1999,  Vol.  8:  185-184;
                          Reward                                 Maghniyah, 2005, Vol. 4: 55)
                       Verse  97th  of  Surah  “Nahl”            However, some commentators
                       mentions  the  results  of  faith         believe  that  pure  life  can  be

                       and righteous deeds, pure life,           seen  in  both  this  world  and
                       and  the  best  reward.  Some             the  hereafter  i.e.,  it  has  a

                       commentators  also  consider              comprehensive  effect  on  life
                       pure life to be a worldly affair.         in  this  world  and  life  in  the
                       (Ref:  Muqatil  ibn  Sulayman,            hereafter. (Ref: Tabari, 1991,
                       2002, Vol. 2: 486; Qomi, 1988,            Vol.  14:  114;  Tabarsi,  1993,

                       Vol.  1:  390;  Baydawi,  1997,           Vol. 6: 593; Zamakhshari, 1986,
                       Vol. 3: 239; Syed Qutb, 1991,             Vol.  2:  633;  Maybodi,  1992,
                       Vol. 4: 2193; Sabzevari Najafi,           Vol. 5: 445; Fakhr Razi, 1999,

                       1998, Vol. 1: 283; Makarem Shirazi,       Vol. 2: 268-267; Mahalli & Suyuti,
                       1995,  Vol.  11:  389-395;                1995, Vol. 1: 281)
                       Tabataba'i, 1996, Vol. 12: 341;

                       Qorashi,  1998,  Vol.  5:  496;           2. Paradise and Fulfillment
                       Qara'ati, 2013, Vol. 6: 451)                  of Heavenly Blessings
                         Commentators         such     as        In these verses, God promised

                       Maghniyah        and      Tayyib          believers  paradise  as  well  as
                       considered pure life to be an             comfort and well-being in the
                       absolute afterlife. (Ref: Tayyib,         afterlife. What a bountiful and
                                                                 spiritual blessing, coupled with
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