Page 101 - Pure Life 37
P. 101

                       100  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 11(37), Winter. 2024

                       •  “Surely  Allah  will  make             some results are classified as
                          those  who  believe  and  do           mundane  or  otherworldly,
                          good enter gardens beneath             like  pure  life,  which  some

                          which  rivers  flow;  and              commentators  believe  to  be
                          those who disbelieve enjoy             worldly,  whereas  another
                          themselves  and  eat  as  the          group       believes      it     is

                          beasts  eat,  and  the  fire  is       otherworldly,  and  a  third
                          their abode”. (The Qur’an,             group  believes  it  is  both
                          47: 12)                                worldly and otherworldly.
                                                                    The  study  of  religious
                       Classification of the Results of          lifestyle and  pure life  as  one
                       Righteous Deeds based on Faith            of  the  consequences  of
                       The  results  of  faith  and              righteous  deeds  along  with

                       righteous  deeds        can    be         faith  is  the  main  concern  of
                       divided into three categories,            this  research.  First,  the

                       namely  the  results  of  the             opinions of the commentators
                       afterlife,  the  worldly  effects,        are  briefly  mentioned  and
                       and     the      comprehensive            then  the  results  of  faith  and
                       consequences of both worlds.              righteous deeds are presented

                         Commentators of the Holy                based      on     the    different
                       Qur’an question whether some              interpretations.
                       results     are      banal      or           By collecting and classifying

                       otherworldly.                             69 verses of the Holy Qur’an
                         They  generally  do  not                mentioning  the  combination
                       disagree  about  whether  they            of  faith  and  righteous  deeds,

                       consider entry into heaven as             27  countable  results  and
                       a consequence of the afterlife            consequences were identified,
                       and  succession  on  the  Earth           which  are  drawn  in  the

                       as  a  consequence  of  this              diagram  below  and  will  be
                       world.  However,  there  is               analyzed further.
                       disagreement  as  to  whether
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