Page 38 - Pure Life 38
P. 38

An Analytical Approach to the Human Body… M.A. Saad & R. Bakhshayesh (37

                       body is the material cause of the         synthesize both the material and
                       soul,  which  serves  as  the             spiritual  worlds.  In  material

                       formal  cause  and  essence  of           terms, humans embody the total
                       humanity (Mulla Ṣadrā, 2003).             form of matter, integrated with the
                         The connection between the              essence     of     all   physical

                       soul and body is mediated by              elements (Ibid).
                       a  subtle,  luminous  spirit  that           Various  verses  of  the  Qur’an
                       possesses  both  corporeal  and           elucidate human creation, covering

                       spiritual  attributes.  Once  the         both  body  and  soul  (Misbah
                       soul  attains  perfection,  it  no        Yazdi,  2010;  Tabatabai,  1997).
                       longer needs the body, and its            The Qur’an mentions multiple

                       attachment  diminishes  until  it         stages  and  materials  involved
                       eventually  discards  the  body           in this creation, including earth
                       at  natural  death.  Mulla  Ṣadrā         (The  Qur’an,  11:  61;  53:  32),
                       argues that the soul persists after       water  (The  Qur’an,  25:  45;  21:

                       death, associating with a liminal         30;  77:  20;  32:  8;  86:  5-6;  25:
                       or otherworldly body (Ibid).              54),  sperm  (The  Qur’an,  16:  4;

                                                                 18:  37;  22:  5;  23:  13-14),  dust
                          5.  The  Creation  of  the             (The Qur’an, 3 :59; 13: 5; 18: 37;
                              Human Body                         22: 5; 32: 7), clay (The Qur’an,
                       Delving  into  the  creation  of          6: 2), quintessence or extraction

                       human beings in Transcendental            of clay (The Qur’an 23: 12; 32: 7-
                       Philosophy           necessitates         9), sticky clay (The Qur’an, 37:
                       referencing  the  Holy  Qur’an            11),  sounding  clay  and  mud

                       and Ḥadīth. Ṣadrāians believe             molded in to shape (The Qur’an,
                       that  God  has  incorporated  the         15:  26,28,33),  sounding  clay
                       essence of all material elements          like the pottery (The Qur’an, 55:

                       into the physical constitution of         14),  and  the  Spirit  breathed  into
                       human  beings  (Mulla  Ṣadrā,             humans (The Qur’an, 15: 29; 38:
                       1981; Abdul Haq, 1972).                   72).
                         They  provide  evidence  from              Ṣadrāians  interpret  these

                       these  texts  to  support  their          terms as follows: dust represents
                       claims,  asserting  that  humans
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