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                       38  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 11(38), Spring. 2024
                       primary matter; clay indicates a          and assimilation, Jibrīl enhances
                       mixture  of  water  and  dust;            speech and comprehension, and

                       quintessence  refers  to  refined         ʿĂzarʾēl  oversees  the  change
                       clay;  sticky  clay  denotes              from     physical    to    spiritual
                       malleable clay; sounding clay             existence (Ibid; Tabatabai, 1997).

                       suggests air-molded clay; and the
                       last  forms  signify  the  effects           6.  The  Human  Body's
                       of  fire  (Mulla  Ṣadrā,  2000;                  Fate After Death

                       Ibid, 2001; Abdul Haq, 1972).             To  understand  the  fate  of  the
                         Ultimately,  God  completes             human body in Transcendental
                       the  human  body  by  breathing           Wisdom, one must explore the

                       His Spirit into it (The Qur’an,           material       body's       nature.
                       15: 29; 38: 72).                          According  to  Ṣadrāians,  the
                         Transcendental Wisdom posits            body  is  a  "Material  body",  a
                       that the creation, maintenance,           composite of matter and form,

                       and reality of humans involve             dependent  on  matter  for
                       four supreme psychic forces or            existence (Mulla Ṣadrā, 1981;

                       angels,  namely    Isrāfīl,  Mīkā'īl,     Azarian,  2021).  It  embodies
                       Jibrīl,  and  ʿĂzarʾēl.  Isrāfīl          metaphysical      elements     and
                       breathes  life  into  human               consists of conflicting parts that
                       bodies, while Mīkā'īl provides            naturally       tend      towards

                       food  and  sustenance.  Jibrīl            separation  and  disintegration
                       conveys  divine  messages  to             (Mulla Ṣadrā, 1981).
                                                                    The  visible  aspects  of  this
                       prophets,  and  ʿĂzarʾēl  abstracts

                       forms     from      matter     and        body  are  transient,  unreal,  and
                       transitions  souls  from  the             subject  to  decay  (Mulla  Ṣadrā,
                       physical  to  the  spiritual  realm       1981; Zamaniha & Yavari, 2018).

                       (Mulla Ṣadrā, 2001).                      The  soul  is  essential  for
                         Each  angel  interacts  with            maintaining        the      body's
                       different human faculties: Isrāfīl        balance and unity (Mulla Ṣadrā,

                       influences       thought       and        1981;  Khademi  et  al,  2021),
                       imagination, Mīkā'īl aids memory          acting  as  its      vessel  and
                                                                 preserving its essence.  Without
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