Page 40 - Pure Life 38
P. 40

An Analytical Approach to the Human Body… M.A. Saad & R. Bakhshayesh (39

                       the  body,  the  soul  lacks  the         the body's nature as part of the
                       means      for    growth       and        material world.

                       expression (Mulla Ṣadrā, 1981;
                       Obudiyyat,  2014).  The  soul's           Comparative        of     Yoruba
                       presence is as vital to the body          Philosophy                    and

                       as form is to substance; without          Transcendental Wisdom
                       the  soul,  the  body  lacks              This     section     investigates
                       purpose      (Ibid).    In     this       similarities  and  differences

                       philosophy,  death  signifies  the        between  Yoruba  Philosophy
                       body’s decay and serves as the            and Transcendental Wisdom.
                       soul's  transition  to  a  higher            1.  Creation        of      the

                       realm,  allowing  it  to  fulfill  its           Human Body
                       purpose and ascend.                       The     creation     process     in
                         Transcendental          Wisdom          Yoruba  Philosophy  parallels
                       categorizes  existence  into  three       the     human       creation     in

                       realms: the lowest is the material        Transcendental  Wisdom.  In
                       world,  transient  and  corrupt;          Yoruba belief, creating the human

                       the  middle  comprises  ideal             body  involves  a  collaborative
                       forms  separated  from  matter;           effort  among  Olodumare  (the
                       and the highest realm consists            Almighty),  Orisanla,  Ajala,
                       of  intellectual  forms  and              and Ogun (Gbadegesin, 1996;

                       divine  likeness.  Only  the              Makinde,  1984).  Olodumare
                       human  soul  integrates  these            directly creates the human soul,
                       three  realms  while  retaining           while  Orisanla  shapes  the

                       personal unity. Throughout life,          physical  body  and  acts  as  a
                       humans  evolve,  refining  their          mediator  between  Olodumare
                       essence and progressing towards           and  humans,  protecting  them

                       a  spiritual  realm,  eventually          from      malevolent       forces.
                       attaining intellectual capacities         Ancestors and Orisa both serve
                       (Mulla  Ṣadrā,  1981).  Thus,             protective  roles,  but  Orisa

                       death signifies the body’s end in         safeguards      all     humanity,
                       the material realm, confirming            whereas  ancestors  protect  their
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